Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My First Shakespeare

My mom used to read books to me when I was too small to read. Comics mostly. One day she started reading from a book that did not have much pictures. It was a shakespeare. She used to select the story, read each line and explain it. Then when I could read, she asked me to read it by myself. I was to underline the words I could not read/pronounce/understand. I still have that particular book with me - intact, with all those underlined words. I have over the years collected lots of books (paperback, hardcover and ebooks of different formats). I have thrown away many books that I have overgrown. But this one will stay forever in my collection. It has a fragrance of old books and childhood memories.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Some People will always remain in our minds.

Some people are like that. We see a lot of people through this lifetime of ours. From child hood onwards right to until the day our mind stays with us. We forget lots of people but some of them whom we come across in this world some how stay at the back of our mind. Forever.

In my child hood, we had a servant maid like that. Her name was "Maragatham" which is a name of a precious stone. She was worth her wait in Gold. Its very hard these days to find a human being like that - I am not talking about loyal servants but human beings. She was special because more than a servant, she was a good human being and so we loved her. Its typical of real life to dole out third degree treatments to such people. But thats life. I have always been thankful that I have been blessed in many ways. Some say if you come across safely learning life's toughest lessons, its not a reason for you to complain. It makes you a better person. Builds character. I can definitely agree. Somehow I always felt that there were precious few who could measure up to Maragatham and I never felt I was one of those.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Here's to one more new activity..

Hi World..
Welcome to my dreamworld. WhateverI write here are my thoughts only. Just a place to consolidate one self. And the World is free to agree or disagree. You own your thoughts just as I own mine and we will agree to disagree and still remain friends.
Have a peaceful day.