Saturday, October 12, 2013

Meenakshi Srinivasan - Bharatanatyam - A Breath-Taking Performance.

My mother always complains that when I start the television, I have the attention space of a gnat. Your program must have content to hold me. And then one day it happened to me. I accidently caught a bit dance recital by this marvellous artist. I caught the end of one of her 'Varnams'. I am not a 'Bharatnatyam' dancer but she arrested my remote.

Her 'Adavus,' 'Jatis' were a treat to watch. What held me to her performance was her 'Abhinaya'. Her ability to emote, communicate the story to her audience - amazing. Her 'Thillana' was graceful yet breath-taking. 'Mudras' - neat, complete, traditional & lovely to watch and experience. Her 'Nritya' was a magnificent confluence of body, mind, heart, soul without compromising the tradition.
A graceful performer, a brilliant artist and a joy to watch. Thank you Meenakshi.

The Day I stopped drinking Milk - Sudha Murthy

I love this lady. I don't remember saying that about any author in my life. I will grade this book as a compulsory on every book lover's shelf. Simple language.  Just like the simple life of the people she has tried to characterise. I feel so worthless when I read the tale of such simple souls. Great actions by unsung heroes.  Her Pond series was the best that I loved. Almost all pages in her book deeply touched me. She has ended her book with few lessons that she learnt. Nice read ma'am. Going back to the stores for more of your work. I will need to complete my collection with your full works. Thanks for all that you do & share.

The Shackles of the Warrior - Dr. Durgadoss

This is another book with a continuing tale that readers have to wait for. Quite a complicated work. The writer has definitely done a lot of research on his material before he planned his work. It is good mix of mythology, philosophy & mystery. With more to expect. Wonderful work. You have to read to understand and enjoy this book (never thought I did say this). Thanks Dr. Durgadoss. Waiting eagerly for your book 2 to understand where and what happens to this book.

Secrets of the Dark - Arka Chakrabarti

Enjoyed this book. The thought process and the progress of this work is amazing. Every character is unique. This is an entirely different world created by Arka. At the core of the work its just a murder mystery. it is the story woven around this murder, the journey towards the end of this mystery that is amazing. Some readers like the satisfaction of a complete story - a story ends at the last page. It was good reading but there is nothing more to expect. Some readers wish they had more of to read. this work ends with a promise of another tale, which is sure to please such readers. For some Writers, their tale takes more than a book to tell. This story has more to offer. Let's wait and watch.

OH!! GODS ARE ONLINE - Rashmi Kalsie & George Nixon.

This is a one time read for me, but it was interesting. Gods online. interesting thought process and concept. the trials and tribulations of today's common man and the God in play (here we have Christ, Buddha & Krishna on the good side and our old Nick to complete the negative force). The concept of Heaven & Hell and life after is also interesting. As I said, a good one time read. You will be satisfied but may not try to read this book again.